I'm very sorry to say that, innovation in our country is limited by number of limiting factors.
Scarcity of appropriate material is sure to be one of them. People in our country have lots of plans and dreams and most of the time their dreams shatter because of the limit imposed by few rusty government policies. We cannot import any gadgets from the abroad. If we request our relatives or friends living abroad, the item is simply 'LOST' in between the airports' conveyor belt. Some are 'LOST' in the customs department. Some of them simply can't be imported because the government is too busy to pay attention to our demands.
Encouragement is also a big factor. Some people are simply not motivated enough and it is not their fault. In leading universities around the world, they are not content by reading a book. They want to implement the knowledge of the book in a real world scenario. In our universities, students are only required to take a written test at the end of the semester. If the lab teacher is enthusiastic enough, he may give you a semester long project which is anything but challenging.
Had there been more challenging local competitions, I'm sure you would have seen a dramatic improvement of our countries engineering skills. Cricket fans will find it easier to relate. Had Sakib Al Hasan not participated in IPL, he might not have been so great in the subsequent games. I read this fact in some news paper article. Same applies for education. If we have our own world class competition, we will do much better in the international ones.
Recently, a search engine was launched in Bangla, called "Pipilika". A praise worthy effort. What hurts me though is a quote from my favorite Professor, Dr. Md. Jafor Iqbal. He said the interaction of Public universities and IT companies are too low. With this search engine, it has been proved that our Public Universities students can do it too.
What really hurt me is that Jafor sir used the phrase "Public University" in his statement. As if those of us who are studying in so called "Private University" can do nothing. I don't really blame him. There are some fundamental differences in between Public and Private universities. The only way we can change this general outlook is by showing the world what we are capable of.