Monday, October 28, 2013

Surviving Over-Sharing

Hard to believe, but it is the truth. Social networks have made us socially isolated. Your world gets only smaller when you are a social network addict. Continuously making calculation of what others have and what you need, overlooking the most important calculation of all, what valuables do you already have.

In my opinion over-sharing can be rightfully tagged a mental disorder. And it seems, I have that disease.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Start Up Guide for EEE hobbyist

If you are new to EEE and eager to get started to build your own projects, here are two links/docs I created that might help you.

What to buy before starting?

Few Project Ideas for beginners.

Few more ideas for project

you may edit the doc as you see fit. However, I still own the rights.

Surviving Bangladesh

The difference between Bangladesh and any other country in the world is that, in Bangladesh the corrupt, unruly and criminals get to live a high standard of life. The prime minister gets to halt the entire city of the traffic to get to the office (which is about a kilometre). The pedestrian gets yelled by the police cause a politician is coming on his luxury SUV.

If you ask me, its futile to repair your old Mac. Better get a new Linux.

Surviving EEE

I bet you've seen those facebook memes on Engineers. Funny no doubt. During my second year of Engiiering studies, I though they were just exageration. Then, I went into my third year of studies and boy was I surprised!

I knew studying engineering would be though, but I had no idea EEE would be so deep. During the first two years, I had no problems finding the solutions to my problems. If I couldn't google my answer, I could generally find a suitablle solution by trial and error. I have notes containing keywords of all th e important concepts I learned in my first two years of studies. Whenever I need to revisit those lectures, I simply remember the keyword and google everything I need. Unfortunately, this process is not working anymore in my third year. So next time someone boasts infront of you being an engineer, please don't mind; if he has survived engineering, he has every rights too.

I'm not implying EEE is a super tough subjects and can only be taken by the gifted minds. But at the same time, not everyone can survive an engineering degree. Being where I am right now, I've a bit more understanding of the subject. In EEE, most of the explanations are done by equations only. Even in the exam halls, if you write only relevant eqations and relevant derivations, you would probably pass. Trust me, its all in the equations. Funny thing is, after a stage, teachers can no longer teach you. They will just show you an equation and you are required to magically understand everything from it. There are no other ways.

If your engineer friend cannot gossip, socialise, spend time with you or may not even dance, don't blame him. He never had the time to experience these.

(P.S. On the contrary, if he can do all of those; he is either born with the gifts or never took engineering seriously!)