Thursday, May 21, 2009

I survived an accident.

Among my daily duties I need to pick up my younger sister from her school. After my coaching classes I went to pick her up as usual, but I was 10 minutes late. The problem is when I get late to pick up my sister from her school and I don't have any ride with me, it’s hard to get one. So I was standing by the main road waiting for a rickshaw to be hired by me. But didn't have much luck over there. So we move forward in search of a rickshaw. After a while I got one. Usually I take shortcuts during the pick hour, because of the traffic jam. Everything was normal. Our rickshaw was passing through a street where kids were playing cricket. There was a brick acting as a stamp. The rickshaw hit a bump. The rickshaw puller looked behind with wonder, he didn't drive over the brick, so where was the bump. With in moments the rickshaw hit a second bump the right wheel collapsed and we just had an accident. Luckily my sister and I were unhurt. I got a little pain on my let knee. Where as the rickshaw puller got hurt badly. He didn't even receive his money as the fare.
I survived another accident.

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